Friday, January 13, 2017

Dog Bones

*** Watch this video to make real

Minecraft Bones to tame your wolves!

 You can make these Minecraft bones for your dogs or friends, they are edible for humans too.


                     1. 2 cups flour (I made mine gluten free)
                     2. 1 cup peanut butter
                     3. 1 cup milk (I used soy milk)
                     4. I tablespoon baking soda/powder

What you'll need:
Rolling pin
cookie sheets
Dog bone cookie cutter
Crust crimper
Peanut butter

 1. Preheat oven to 375
 2. Mix dry ingredients to combine, then add milk, then peanut butter.
 3. Knead well, flour surface and roll out to desired thickness.
 4.  Cut out bones, place on greased cookie sheet or cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
 5. Bake for 10-12 min at 375 degree oven.

 Let cool, and then tame those wolves!
Store in glass jar or bag for easy access

 Also check out my Giveaway!!!! for Minecraft Mama! xoxo MM

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